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Loaves & Fishes
A Ministry for feeding our community physically, emotionally & spiritually
Sign up to serve here:
Mission Statement: We must go to feed the hungry, stand beside the broken, keep us from just singing, move us into action, fill us up and send us out. (Paraphrased from the song – God of Justice)
Vision: To serve a weekly hot meal to anyone who wants one. There will be no income requirement. We will serve families with children, senior citizens, couples, and individuals…ALL ARE WELCOME! We will feed people not only physically but also emotionally, relationally and spiritually. We follow John 13:34 – “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.”
If you have any questions or concerns contact: John Smedema (920) 382-1518
March Focus Article
Feeding Wisconsin – Hunger Advocacy Institute
This past fall, Second Harvest sent an email asking if I (John) would be interested in applying to be part of Feeding Wisconsin Hunger Advocacy Institute, an organization that advocates for hunger solutions for the people of Wisconsin. Second Harvest and other food banks are associated with Feeding Wisconsin and are looking for representatives from different organizations that are addressing hunger.
While there are many food pantries there are not nearly as many meal sites like our Loaves & Fishes Ministry. This gives me an advantage for being accepted into organizations like Feeding Wisconsin. I believe that our being a meal site helped me get a position on Second Harvest’s Partner Advisory Board.
The following is taken directly from the Feeding Wisconsin’s Website:
Feeding Wisconsin works to educate elected officials and policymakers on the issue of hunger and advocates for improving public and private hunger solutions.
Our work in public policy is guided by our mission and consistent with the values that are broadly shared by everybody living in our state:
That our Wisconsin families have access to food and benefits during hard times so they can work and focus on turning their lives around
That our Wisconsin children have the nutritious food they need to be healthy and to be prepared to learn in school
That our food banks and food pantries have the resources and food they need to provide high quality, nutritious emergency food assistance to those who need it
We believe that together, we can end hunger through strong public policies at both the state and federal levels working in tandem with a vibrant private charitable sector. End of Quote.
I look forward to the training I will receive from Feeding Wisconsin Hunger Advocacy Institute and having opportunities to advocate for solutions to the complex issues in our communities that lead to hunger. My first opportunity to be an advocate will be an event held in Madison in early April, as members of the Hunger Advocacy Institute will meet with State Legislatures to advocate for solutions for hunger in Wisconsin.
Thank you for your support for the Beaver Dam Loaves & Fishes Meal Ministry!
John & Linda Smedema