Adult Education

Sunday School is not just for the kids! Growing in our faith relationship with God is a life-long endeavor. There are opportunities throughout the week at which you can study God’s word, learn how it instructs us in the ways of the Lord and share your thoughts and feelings about what the Bible says and how it relates to daily life. Other groups are welcomed and encouraged to form around any area of interest that relates the Bible and Christian life to matters of daily concern. Please join us for a spiritual, enriching time together!

Christian Mindfulness Learn to see God in Your Daily Life

How can we connect with God in our daily lives? God is always with us, but when we’re rushing through the stress of everyday life, it can be hard to notice God’s presence. But no matter how busy we are, God is ready to meet us in the moments when we stop to connect with God. Practicing Christian mindfulness can remind us to turn our attention to God in the details of our daily lives. The basis for Christian mindfulness is the fact that God is present. Traditional mindfulness encourages awareness of our experiences in the present moment. If God is always with us, then Christian mindfulness is the simple awareness of God’s active presence and involvement in our everyday, present-moment experiences. I invite you to join us in practicing Christian Mindfulness. The group will be led by Janice Tischler and Pastor Jim. We’ll begin each lesson by breaking bread together, a potluck meal. Then, we’ll move into conversation focused on a book call; “Right Here, Right Now" by Amy Oden. 

Monday Morning Bible Study

Monday morning Bible study meets at 9:00 a.m. every week (except holidays) all year long. This study group exams the lectionary for the upcoming Sunday. We cover all four lessons: old testament, psalm, new testament and the gospel. The group is led by the bible study participants themselves. Currently, we meet in person and by ZOOM. Zoom meetings have allowed participants from as far as New York and North Carolina to join us. Contact the church office for the link if you wish to participate remotely.

Sharon Circle

Women of First Lutheran meet on the second Tuesday each month at 1:00pm to discuss the Women of the ELCA Bible study found in Gather magazine. Everyone is welcome to join them for inquisitive conversation, sharing faith stories, as well as coffee and dessert!