Worship will be livestreamed on our Facebook page at 8 am and can be viewed shortly after the conclusion of service on our website, and Youtube pages, as well as listened to at 8 am on WBEV AM 1430.
The Prayer of the Day:
O Lord, Jesus, we wait from our knees, in anticipation and awe, humility and hope. We wait in the confidence of your love, knowing that you have torn open the skies and made yourself known to us in the cross and empty tomb. Amen.
Gathering Hymn: Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying – ELW 436, LBW 31
Hymn of the Day: Lost in the Night – ELW 243
Sending Hymn: Hark! A Thrilling Voice Is Sounding! – ELW 246, LBW 37
Isaiah 64:1-9
Matthew 14:22-33
Online Video Services: Facebook, Church Website, & YouTube
Wednesday 6:00 pm - Casual
Sunday 8:00 am - Traditional
Sunday 10:30 am - Contemporary
Sunday Radio Broadcast Service 8:00 am on WBEV AM 1430