Music Ministry

First Lutheran offers many opportunities for you to praise God with music. The following groups provide worship leadership at both our traditional and contemporary services. Please note that all of these groups welcome new members. If you are interested, feel free to stop in at a rehearsal or call the Church Office for more information.

Glory Ringers

No experience required. All interested in ringing bells are welcome. We will help anyone learn the fun art of bell ringing. This group is a mixture of youth and adult participants, this being the widest range of any organization in our church!  Confirmands have played an important role in our bell choir and many of these youth continue to play through high school.  We are always in search of new full time members, as well as people who can sub for others when members have to miss a rehearsal or performance. Rehearsal is at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary on Thursday evenings, September – May.  We usually play during worship the 3rd Sunday each month.  

Joyful Praise

An Adult SATB choir that sings September through May at the 8am worship service. We rehearse Tuesdays at 10am. If you like traditional Christian anthems, this is for you! 

Praise Band

A contemporary praise band with vocals and instruments. We meet at 9:15am every Sunday to sing at the 10am contemporary worship service. Anyone is welcome to join!

Special Music

This is open to young and old alike. Vocal or instrumental, we are always looking for soloists, duos or groups who would like to perform a musical number during worship, especially when our other music groups are not performing. Let us know if you are interested! If you need a piano or organist to accompany you, we have them available for you!