Dear Friends of First,
Lent is a journey, the end of which is the death and resurrection of Jesus. It is a season in which we are invited to reflect on the immensity of God’s love made known in Jesus and His victory over sin, and death. In Lent, we are invited to recall what it means to be followers of Jesus, each and every day.
Jesus loved to eat with people. Eating with someone implies sharing not just food but something deeper. There is generosity in serving a meal, humility in receiving one, and fellowship in eating together. Meeting Jesus at the table is an important aspect of the Christian life.
Growing up in a tight knit farming community, in south-west Wisconsin, surround by Swiss, German, Catholics, and Protestants folks, I had the privilege of sitting at many dinner and picnic tables throughout the years. Each table was uniquely set, and the food prepared ranged from mouthwatering Sauerbraten, Bratwurst, to homemade Schnitzel and Appenzell Fondue. Occasionally, we were served something we couldn’t quite identify, but in the end, we decided it was chicken.
From farm family to farm family, each of these tables had one thing in common: each one was prepared with intentional thought and care. In every case, the family preparing the meal considered who was coming to dinner and how they could make the family feel welcome and loved.
Just as each of those tables were lovingly prepared for a neighboring family, the Lord prepares a table for each of us. I have often imagined the Lord’s table to be an extravagantly set banquet table, with food and drink as far as the eye can see. And while I love imagining this banquet in all its glory, I know that the table the Lord has prepared for us is actually His presence.
When you read the story of Jesus according to Luke, we see what many scholars call the table ministry of Jesus. We see in scripture at least ten different times where Jesus is gathered, eating with people around a table. And no matter where He is, who’s house He’s at, when Jesus is at the table Jesus is the host! It becomes His table. We see in Luke’s gospel who is at the table with Jesus.
Jesus calls a tax collector named Levi, better known as Matthew, who would be his disciple. He then invites worst yet sinners. But then, the unexpected happens. A woman enters the room washing his feet with her tears and wiping them clean with her hair, then anointing His feet with expensive perfume. Jesus forgives her sin and teaches Simon the Pharisee an important lesson about the love of God, forgiveness, and repentance.
The story goes...Jesus uses a metaphorical table out on the countryside to be a place of mission and service. Jesus feeds the masses with five loaves of bread and two fish. We are told there were 5000 men plus, women and children. All ate well with leftovers.
When we come to the table that the Lord has prepared for us, we find rest at a slowdown, sit-down where we are served rather than serving. When we set our minds on Jesus and his broken body and spilled blood for our sin, for the sins of the world, our souls are restored by what we have in Christ.
This week, whatever table you find yourself sitting at, whoever you find yourself at the table with, I pray that you see Jesus at the table, too. Maybe leave one chair open just as a reminder that Jesus is present, He is with you, and this table is His table. And...Give Thanks!
Journeying together,
Pastor Jim