

Have you ever thought about how God works in our lives? Is it all just happenstance? Is it all planned out and we simply are following a plan we cannot, see? Or is it that God gives us opportunities and we have choices to make? What I write is how I personally view God working in my life.

A recent situation is an example of how I know God works in my life. While most of the food we receive for

Loaves & Fishes is free, there are times I need to buy ingredients. Monday mornings as we prepare the food for the Tuesday meal is often a time I may have to make a run to Walmart for an ingredient.

A few weeks ago, I made a Monday morning run to Walmart to buy Mayo. I always look for the most cost-effective prices, so I filled my cart with Great Value Mayo. I was rolling down the aisle when my cart caught the eye of Nicci, a Walmart employee. Nicci smiled and said, “That’s a lot of Mayo.” I started the conversation how I start a lot of

conversations: “Have you heard of Loaves & Fishes?”

Nicci said she had not. I then explained the Loaves & Fishes Ministry. She asked if we could use money. I laughed and said, yes, money is something we can always use. Nicci then explained that she was a part of Beaver Dam Elks club, an organization that looks for opportunities to help their community. Nicci said that she would be talking about us at the upcoming Elks club meeting. Nicci is a great example of looking for opportunities!

A week later I got a call from a representative of the Elks club asking if Loaves & Fishes would like a donation of $803.27. Linda and I then went to the Elks club meeting and had our picture taken being presented the check. We are very grateful for their donation!

This is just one example of God at work; I could share many more. We have choices every day to be open to what God puts right in front of us. Many of our opportunities we will not recognize as opportunities. A smile at a stranger may be just what the person needed. Or in other cases, recognizing pain in our family, friends, and acquaintances may lead to the help they need. The examples can go on and on, but the key is being open to, and understanding opportunities are all around us.

When Nicci made her comment, I could have just as easily said, yes, it’s a lot of Mayo, and kept going but I have found in life that if I take the time to talk with people, lots of times good comes out of it. I ran into Nicci again in Walmart and was able to express how grateful we are for the donation, and it put a smile on both of our faces. What opportunities are God giving you?

Luke 17:21 - (Jesus’ speaking) “For, in fact, the kingdom of God is among you.”

Breanna Kuehn