

Loaves and Fishes celebrated our one-year anniversary in early August. It has been an incredible first year with 23,079 meals served to 10,663 households! We never expected that we would have these kinds of numbers. More important are all the connections made and the community of love, joy, and respect that has been created. We thank and praise God for his abundant blessings. We thank all who have supported Loaves & Fishes through volunteering, monetarily, and prayers!

With the first-year anniversary, a review of L&F has been completed with the Church Council and a plan is in place for year two. Added to the plan are L&F paying $100 per month for utilities based on the Church’s calculation of L&F’s utility usage and one half the cost of any repairs of appliances. Currently L&F pays a portion of garbage/recycling costs ($1,400 per year), and for kitchen supplies such as dish soap, paper towels, and garbage bags; this will continue in year two.

All costs for any new appliances, any needed electrical upgrades, supplies, and food will continue to be paid by L&F. Please understand that First Lutheran has not paid for any of the appliances, supplies or food, L&F has paid all these costs and will continue to do so. L&F has applied for its own 501(c)3 nonprofit status and should receive this by the end of the year. L&F having its own nonprofit status will help to separate L&F finances from the Church’s finances and eliminate confusion.

First Lutheran will continue to provide the space, especially on Mondays and Tuesdays for L&F to be able to run the ministry. First will continue to support L&F by encouraging and promoting L&F Ministry, and spiritually through prayers. First will also encourage groups within the Church to volunteer to help serve a meal to our community.

Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing. ~ John 15:4-5

The partnership between L&F and First Lutheran will continue to bear much fruit. God will use our partnership to bless all of us and our community.

Breanna Kuehn