Second Harvest Food Bank
The Ministry of Beaver Dam Loaves & Fishes is dedicated to serving a meal to anyone who wants one. So where does the food come from? We utilize several different sources, but the one source we rely on the most is Second Harvest Food Bank of Southwestern Wisconsin.
When we started Loaves & Fishes, we filled out the application to be a partner with Second Harvest. The process also requires onsite visits and pest control reports. Second Harvest is dedicated to ending hunger and supplies food to over 300 partners in 16 Wisconsin Counties in Southern Wisconsin.
Second Harvest’s impact on our Ministry can not be stressed enough! In our 28 months in operation, we have received 79,945 lbs. of food from Second Harvest, and while not all of it is free, the vast majority is. It is easy to see we would have a difficult time feeding meals to our community without the support of Second Harvest. We thank God for Second Harvest and the work they do to supply food to the many agencies addressing hunger/food insecurity in our communities!
Thank you for all your support for the Beaver Dam Loaves & Fishes Hot Meal Ministry!
John & Linda Smedema
Our mission is to serve a weekly healthy hot meal to anyone who wants one. There will be no income requirements, we care about serving the physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual needs of all people in our community. We want to create an environment where everyone feels welcomed and loved and a part of our community. We look to follow Jesus’ command from John 13:34 – “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.”
We must go live to feed the hungry, stand beside the broken, move us into action.
(Paraphrased from the song – God of Justice)