
We are thankful for all the support we received in 2023! Many of you and many in our community have stepped forward to volunteer time, resources, and prayers to help Loaves & Fishes be a blessing to our community.

Here are some statistics for 2023:

  • Number of meals served in 2023: 26,207

  • Number of Meal Dates (Tuesdays): 47

  • Average number of meals served each Tuesday: 558

  • Number of Households served in 2023: 12,163

  • Average number of households served each Tuesday: 259

Since our start in August 2022 to the end of 2023:

  • Number of meals served in total: 35,300

  • Number of Meal Dates (Tuesdays): 68

  • Average number of meals served each Tuesday: 519

  • Number of Households served: 16,269

  • Average number of households served each Tuesday: 239

August through December of 2023, we have averaged 611 meals served to 282 households each Tuesday. We are seeing consistent growth although we believe there will be a small drop during the months of January, February, and March. We experienced a drop last year.

While statistics help show the need, the real blessing of Loaves & Fishes is God creating a community of love, joy, and respect where everyone feels welcomed and everyone knows they count...that goes for our volunteers as well as our guests!

Breanna Kuehn