
A Conduit to Creating Community

The Ministry of Beaver Dam Loaves & Fishes is dedicated to serving a meal to anyone who wants one. The second part of our mission is caring about our guests physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual needs. Providing a meal helps with the physical need that we all have: we must eat. How does the meal help with the emotional, relational, and spiritual needs of our guests?

The meal is a conduit to building relationships with our guests while they wait for their meals to be delivered. This allows time for our parking lot volunteers to talk with our guests and build relationships. We have a few volunteers that spend all their time going from car to car to talk with our guests, to build relationships, to pray with guests that want a prayer, and to show our guests the time and attention that lets them know that they are loved and cared for. There are many stories our volunteers could share about how working to build a community of love has impacted our guests’ lives and our volunteers’ lives.

Vision: We must go live to feed the hungry, stand beside the broken, move us into action. (Paraphrased from the song – God of Justice)

Mission: Our mission is to serve a weekly healthy hot meal to anyone who wants one. There will be no income requirements, we care about serving the physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual needs of all people in our community. We want to create an environment where everyone feels welcomed and loved and a part of our community. We look to follow Jesus’ command from John 13:34 – “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.”

Thank you for your support for the Beaver Dam Loaves & Fishes Hot Meal Ministry!

Breanna Kuehn