Simply Giving
Simply Giving is a modern-day stewardship program designed to make your church offerings convenient, safe and simple. There is no cost to the participants, and it allows Lutherans to make their financial gifts consistently. This program is based on automated transfers from either your checking or savings account to the First Lutheran Church account on a schedule that fits your needs. You can decide everything about the program, from how frequently the transfers are made (weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly) to the dollar amount that you would like transferred. Also, you can stop the deductions at any time if you feel the program no longer works for your needs.
The results of this program are double-fold: each member who participates enjoys the peace of mind that comes with knowing their offering is going to their church, whether they are ill, on vacation, etc. and it is easier to balance your budget when you have a regular amount deducted each week. Also, the church receives the benefit of steady, uninterrupted offerings that will allow for greater financial stability and easier budgeting and bill paying.
Anyone interested in this program is welcome to contact our bookkeeper, Cynthia Larson via email ( or phone at (920) 885-4497 ex.12, if you have questions. All new enrollments must include either a voided check or savings slip. Also, changes to existing accounts need to be processed through the office in order to be properly submitted.
Click below to download a Simply Giving form:
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