October 2022
“Peace, I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27)
Dear Friends of First,
“What keeps you up at night?” I recently had the opportunity to get together with some fellow clergy for a time of conversation and prayer. In the course of the discussion about our family life and church life, the question was raised: “What’s keeping you up at night nowadays?” Most of us began with a big sigh and we looked at one another. Then one of the group members finally piped up with what we were all thinking: “That they’re not coming back.” This is just one concern that is keeping clergy up at night. That the people of God who have drifted away from the church over the past few years aren’t coming back. We continued to discuss and agreed that we must take a stand and do something to help bring an end to the violence of school shootings, we worry about the Russia-Ukraine war, inflation, and economic inequality. We’re dealing with financial challenges, declining and aging membership, building and maintenance challenges and the list goes on. The deeper question is how committed are we to continuing to be a community of faith, followers of Jesus together in the longer term? “This is what keeps me up at night”.
As we find ourselves in the pivotal moment for the future of the church, there are deep challenges that we face. But challenges also bring opportunities. I believe God is not finished with us yet. I believe God is calling us to step into a new direction: To explore who and what we are as a community of faith; to invite the world around us into that community of hope and promise, that people would find here at First Lutheran a community of belonging. God is calling us into the challenging but exciting world, with an unknown but promise-filled future.
Because God is calling us into a promise-filled future, our future will require of us to do some strategic planning. We began last Sunday after church as we looked at our assets, strengths and gifts, also our limitations and opportunities within the church and the community. We will continue to meet again and again until our strategic plan has a clear vision, mission and purpose.
The peace of the Lord be with you!
Pastor Jim